- address 2 Learmonth Street, Charlton 3525
- phone 03 5477 6888
- email admin@charltonmedical.com.au
AH: 03 54776800
Fax: 03 54776889
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm
There may be occasions where these alter or the surgery is closed. A taped message will advise of these changes and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. A doctor can be contacted after hours by calling the Charlton Campus of East Wimmera Health Service on (03) 5477 6800.
Our Mission – what we try to do now
A City Standard of Medicine; A Country Standard of Care.
Our Vision – what we’re aiming to do
Charlton Medical will provide comprehensive, ethical and courteous primary healthcare services of a standard better than that expected from an ideal metropolitan practice to all our patients, regardless of ethnicity, financial resources and geographic location. In achieving this we will maintain the highest standards of staff moral, confidentiality and cooperation in the workplace, valuing every person’s contribution in its own right.
Our Values – what is important to us
Through efficient, prompt and courteous service delivery by all staff members, and by liaising with other service providers, Charlton Medical strives to maximally alleviate distress, be it physical, psychological or social, within our patient population. Charlton Medical has a philosophy of Christian service and care in the provision of high quality and comprehensive family general practice to the Charlton community.