- address Lot 1, St.Arnaud Road, Charlton 3525
- phone 0400698409
Directory of Businesses
Agricultural Supplies & Services
Charlton Ag Supplies
- address 177 High Street
- phone 54911611
- email cando177@bigpond.com
Rural merchandise and agricultural machinery
Cossar’s Hay & Fodder Supplies
- phone 0428915228
Enpac (Byrne/Lee)
- address 20-40 Charlton St Arnaud Road Charlton 3525
- phone 0439-911083
- address 2 Kaye Street Charlton 3525
- phone 0454911615
The best in trading in wheat, barley, canola, sorghum, pulses and other specialty commodities. GrainCorp connects growers withRead More
- address Lot 7 Back Teddywaddy Road, Charlton 3525
- phone (03) 54912233
The efficient and cost effective receival, storage and outturn of grain and oilseeds.
Gumption Agricultural Consultants
- address 19 High Street
- phone 1300 308 382 / 0437 963 816
L & J Mulquiny Fuels
- address 11 Davies Street Charlton 3525
- phone 0428 510 050
Noel Bennett (Elders Agent)
- address 29 Mildura Way, Charlton, 3525
- phone 0417-562691
- email satranom@hotmail.com
Elders provides various services to primary producers, supporting their needs throughout the entire production cycle, including:
Clearing sales
Water Trading
Tech Services
Farm Supplies
FinancialRead More
North West Ag Supplies
- address 31 Charlton-St Arnaud Road
- phone 03 5491 1976 / 0457 759 608
- email charlton@northwestag.com.au
Ag Chemicals, fertiliser, seed, animal health, pet food, stockfeed, fencing, water supplies
Nutrien ag solutions
- address 8-14 High Street, Charlton 3525
- phone 0427-364566
The world’s largest provider of crop nutrients, feed, crop protection and services. Nutrien plays a critical role in helping farmersRead More
Saits Fertiliser and Grain
- address Borung Highway, Charlton 3525
- phone 0418 347 665
- email sfg@iinet.net.au